Like I said in my initial post I have been thinking about this blog/podcast for quite awhile and want to provide value to those who follow it. So many of my initial posts on this blog will be my thoughts as I develop the first episode of my blog. Any feedback would be appreciated. So for the first podcast episode I want to cover several things; the first of which is to introduce myself, not only who I am, why I feel "qualified" to do the podcast, but also to just explain where I come from. I think my first blog post provides some of that information, but will want to enhance it so that it flows better - more presentation like. My intent is for each episode to be about 30 minutes long; long enough to provide value, but not so long that people don't want to finish. The intro probably will only take 5 or so minutes so I will also cover a topic that I have shared with lots of faculty over the years... and would be my first Sam's Soapbox segment. Cue some s...
So I started this blog as part of a class and one of my assignments is to discuss how businesses can use RSS. Really Simply Syndication or Rich Site Summary is a way to provide a way for people to opt-in and be able to keep track for when a website, podcast, or blog has changed content. This allows for people to stay up to date with what is going on around a particular topic. The biggest thing is that it moves away from forcing readers to keep checking to see if new content has changed or "pulling" them to your site a publisher of content is now able to "push" new content to a reader. This functionality can be used by a business internally to provide information around what is going on within the company and employees would always get pushed the new information as soon as it is published. No more having to send out emails to remind people to view a new policy or procedure is published. As soon as the policy or procedure is published everyone who has opted...
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